
Hang On A Sec. I’m Just Overthinking This.

June 5, 2023

Hello, I'm tpot
Brand strategist, content creator, copywriter, designer, spiritual nerd, and the guru behind your gameplan. Come pull up a pew and sit with me a while.
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I’ve always been a bit of an overthinker. You know, the type who lies in bed at night, pondering the meaning of life (and the matrix, love that shit), dissecting every detail of the day’s events, and concocting elaborate contingency plans for hypothetical worst-case scenarios.😴

I remember when I used to work away from home (honorary member of the ‘I did London on expenses’ club 💼🥂). It was either spend the night tossing and turning, (stinking, thinking) or drowning my thoughts in red wine and collapsing in the gutter (albeit the gilded gutter of Dean Street…happy daze). 🍻Luckily, this was back in the day when drinking on the job or just after it was standard practise (in advertising agency circles anyway) but my motivation levels could have done with a leg up the next day.

And don’t even get me started on the part of my career when I took a wrong turn and ended up on the client side of the tracks. There, you’ll be volunteered for a presentation on your particular niche quicker than you can say, “Pass the pins, my eyes are ready’. The what-ifs (of spontaneous combustion) were excruciating, and picturing the audience naked DOES NOT work. When you’re trying to stay on the right side of crimson and simultaneously stop your voice from shaking, adding another layer of complexity was not helpful – just pass me that empty packet of ready salted ‘cos I’m ’bout to have a panic attack over here before the meeting even starts.🤦🏻‍♀️

But honestly? Overthinking is like willingly diving into a rabbit hole that never ends, a swirling vortex of thoughts and scenarios that leaves you feeling paralysed and gasping for air. So in the spirit of resuscitation, I’m giving you some short sharp breaths of wisdom I learnt (when I side-hustled as an NLP practitioner and life coach) to help you break the chains of overthinking, and start living a life less shackled. This little roadmap that helped me escape the mental labyrinth and enabled me to make my way back to the sweet, sweet land of the living, (and sleeping) I hope it will help you too!

Step 1: Befriend the beast 🤝

Your overthinking brain isn’t some malevolent monster lurking in the shadows, waiting to pounce on your happiness. It’s just a hyperactive puppy, desperate for attention and easily excitable. So, acknowledge its presence, pat it gently on the head, and kindly remind it that not every situation requires a full-blown investigation. We’ve all come across photos of a soiree on FB that we didn’t get the memo for even though we (thought) we were part of the crew (just me?) Cut to weeks of ruminating… did you bore them? (as if) or accidentally insult them when attempting hilarity? (quite possibly).

Listen, life’s going to throw curveballs. You might get ghosted by a mate or mess up something at work, but don’t lose sight of the bigger picture here. Life’s like a massive, ever-changing tapestry of relationships and experiences. Some peeps pop in for a cameo, others stick around for a bit, and a select few are there for the long haul.

Each person and every experience – be they joyful or just plain pants – are stepping stones on your path, teaching you a thing or two about this wild ride we call life. Ups and downs? We’ve all got them. Feeling shit or confused when things go pear-shaped? it’s totally normal.

But remember, these are just speed bumps on your journey. Don’t let them distract you from the fantastic adventure that life is. Pour your energy into building relationships that matter, growing as a person, and celebrating all your victories, big and small. ‘Cause here’s the thing: where your attention goes, that’s where your energy flows. So focus on the good stuff.

Step 2: Flip the script 🔄

Overthinking often sends us down a path of pessimism, where every outcome is disastrous and every choice leads to catastrophe. Instead, why not try flipping the script? Picture the positive possibilities – like making a new friend, embarking on an adventure, or stepping outside of your comfort zone.

Sometimes, just recalling a thought-provoking quote can provide a fresh perspective. For example, consider this: “In 30 years’ time, you would give anything to be back in the exact spot that you are now.” That’s a real mind-boggler, right?🤯 Or how about this one: “You’ll never be as young again as you are today.”

Remembering these gems can give you a proper energy boost. We’re talking going from feeling as flat as a half beaker of dilute orange (you know, those ones at the school fair where you feel like you’ve been had) to the high of happy hour at Mambos. 🍸

Step 3: Embrace the uncertainty 🤗

Life is messy, unpredictable, and sometimes it feels like everything is going wrong. While it’s tempting to try and control every aspect of our existence (guilty 🙋‍♂️), doing so only suffocates the magic and spontaneity that makes life worth living. So, bin your crystal ball, let go of your need for certainty, and allow yourself to be swept up in the chaotic beauty of the unknown. This can be scary especially if you’re a bit of a control freak but sometimes you’ve just got to trust that the universe has got your back.

Start each day with a bit of a mantra – something like, ‘Universe, show me how good it can get.’ You’d be amazed at how this simple shift in attitude can open up a whole new world of possibilities you’d never even dreamt of.

Step 4: Give yourself a time-out ⏲️

When you find yourself spiralling into an overthinking abyss, hit the pause button and step away from the situation. Go for a walk, meditate, or immerse yourself in a creative pursuit that quiets the mental chatter – and FYI, scrolling through Insta isn’t a creative pursuit (I checked)! Exercise is great for this (she says from her armchair) because it releases all those happy endorphins that make you think you can take on the world! I’d love to say I’ve got this one nailed but it’s still a WIP (work in progress). But the thing is this, by giving your brain a break, you’ll return to the problem with a refreshed perspective and a renewed sense of clarity. 

Step 5: Trust in your own resilience 💪

We humans are remarkable creatures, capable of weathering the fiercest storms and emerging stronger on the other side. Remember that you’ve faced challenges before and emerged victorious –– and you’ll do so again. Trust in your own resilience, and let that confidence be the anchor that steadies you amidst the swirling seas of overthinking. I read somewhere that only about 109 billion people have ever lived throughout the whole of history. Now consider the billions upon trillions of potential DNA combinations – this just goes to show how uniquely special you ALREADY are. You’re already resilient. You’ve overcome more storms than you’ll ever know throughout lifetimes of incarnations (according to Deloris Cannon whom I heart) so you can do anything you set your mind to. 🫶🏻

Soooo, if you ARE a fellow overthinker, (and I’m guessing you are if you’ve managed to get to the end of this blog) try these steps for at least a month and let me know how you get on.  Because the bottom line is this – the world is waiting –– and it’s far too beautiful to be experienced solely within the confines of our minds. 💫

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