where's your head at?

If you’re anything like me you started your small biz to chase your dream and not your tail.

To make your move on being the boss and rinsing the good stuff that comes with following your heart with passion and purpose.  That's uh-mazing and I'm buzzing for you!

But (there’s always a but, right?)…and this one’s for you... 

You're struggling to stand out and find an uncluttered space to flex your OG business muscles. And it doesn't matter how hard you try, you're not turning heads or connecting with the type of clients you need to succeed *collective sigh*. 
Pants isn't it? 
Buttt spoiler alert...it doesn't have to be this way!
Drumroll please.... 

doing bits together 

Introducing my OG brand and marketing services that turn meh to moolah

 Juggling EVERYTHING is hard. I get it. As a single parent, I know the drill - there's just not enough hours in the day to it all as well as you know you could - if only you could stop time for a bit (few hours, days, months even)?

You want your marketing to be a perfectly aligned bombshell reflection of your OG business but at the moment, it's lacking clarity and consistency; and failing to connect and convert. You've tried everything, but your efforts are currently more walk of shame than hall of fame.

If only there was a way to help your business stand out so that: 
You finally gets noticed by your type of ideal clients 
They recognise your voice and vibe as a 'bit of them'
They feel compelled to reach out and pull you for a chat
You couple up and get to the oh soooo exclusive stage 

Confidently, consistently and affordably so that you can get back to doing what you do best in your business.

Say hello to my OG marketing services and goodbye to the exhaustion and overwhelm that has been holding you back from the freedom and prosperity you deserve.

I help flip the switch for small businesses who are tortured by their socials or stuck in 'my websites nearly finished' purgatory.  And I do this with crystal clear strategy and authentically aligned creativity to help you stand out.  To go from meh to hell yeah! Without any fluff or fuss so that you can re-focus on your A-game.

Because this? Is the secret sauce to your happily ever after.

That's a bit of me

Ballsy Brand 

Learn More

Impressed with the brand intensive. You really helped us clarify a few things! Really excited by the new tone and direction - you were spot on with this. Looking forward to implementing it all with your help.

Michael hobson - Third Rock Energy 

Christa Leask

Blown away and full of gratitude to your work on this pack!  Thank you.

Danielle Jones 

Loved working with you on the new salons direct campaign! Just what we needed.

stuart morgan

Teresa is hard working, organised and has a real eye for detail. I have no hesitation in recommending Teresa.

James Moore

Love the mini website! It feels like things are really starting to move quickly now thanks to you.

Am I 'The One'? 

My type on paper

I've got a thing for small businesses. And ones that are struggling to stand out? Are right up my street.  Because as a fellow small business owner I get how hard it can be to juggle promoting your business with running it. That's why I'm all hands on deck with whatever you need me to do *marketing wise* so you can focus on your next move in high definition.

I'll be your Thelma 

You want a ride or die? I'm down for the adventure. You navigate the route and I'll do the heavy lifting to take your business to the next level. I'll stay faithful with sky-scraping support and close collaboration and I'll NEVER take a rain check on a hook up with you. Honestly is my  plus-one and if 'your bum looks big in this' I'm gonna be the first one to help you celebrate because...let's face it, the world has changed. 

Confession time - you're not my first. I've been persuading audiences to catch feelings for brands for years in my 'corporate life' (nods to the notches on my 25 year old bedpost - that's the age of the bedpost, not me). Buuuut now? I'm exclusively focused on your small biz. I'll bring the chocolate dipped nuggets of insight and the seductive strategy to our cosy corner table to chew over. Dim the lights, this might take a while.

I'm a *smidge* old 

Can I pull you for a Chat?

No strings attached chin-wag

You IN?

Hey, I want to take this slow too because we might not even like each other. As if! 
But seriously, drop me a line, leave a message on the blower or send a courier pigeon. Let me know what you need and I'll let you know if I can deliver and how much dosh we're talking.

That's a bit of me 

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I do this thing where I occasionally deliver my two penn'orth worth of branding & content tips to your e-door. Want in? Sign up for The Flamboyance (the name for a group of flamingos!) here.
